My Son Dustin-New York
with The Gifted Program Field Trip
July 2001
My Son Dustin on bus to Washington DC-Pennsylvania-New York
with The Gifted Program out of Mississippi
July 2001
My Son Dustin working in Colorado 2001
On the 11th day of September in 2001 is a day in our history that none of us will ever forget. I think about my Son's Dustin and Alex and remember Dustin was within a few weeks of being 16 years old. Alex had just turned 3 years old.
Earlier in the year we had planned a field trip for Dustin and his Gifted class to go on. Unlike the other trips he'd been on across the country on a cruise. This was one to learn about our country here in the U.S.A.
I was very excited for him and his Gifted class- as I'd also got to go to some of the same places at 16 years old and experience everything that I'd only seen in pictures and in our Civic books.
It was very hard to let him go and I know it was for my Mama to let me go. I knew Dustin was going with some teachers and other guides. Still, I worried the whole time he was gone, he'd call and check in with me and tell me all about our history and everything he was seeing. It was amazing to him. He loved his country.
Dustin had already been working with the Desoto County Schools in Mississippi- with the computers and had really decided what he wanted for his career. He wanted to work in the computer industry.
After his Gifted Program trip in the summer of 2001, he transferred with his job to Colorado early that August 2001.
On September 11.2001- he called me and said "Mom, Are you alright" and with all the courage he and I both had we cried for everyone and he was reflecting on the trip he just had taken to all the places.
The love my Son Dustin had for our country and all the people is everlasting. The courage people are still showing is indescribable. I like others have pictures of my Sons trip and personal memories that are just that -personal.
May God Bless