Happy 67th Birthday In Heaven Mama.
I can't begin to say how grateful it has been to be raised by such a wonderful Mother.
There's not a moment that goes by that your Morals and values you stood for and taught are right here at the forefront of my mind and heart most of all.
There are some very challenging days especially as now that I'm a just turning a year older than you were when you left to go be with Jesus.
Because of you is who I am today. We all are even the children you helped raise which into you gave as much love as you did your own. That I admire and will always.
The Buttercups are blooming, and that was one of your favorite things as you'd have us go dig them up to plant in our yard and all the neighbors yards. As you also had us do with all the blueberries, blackberries, muskedimes. You'd make all sorts of things with all of it all.
You were such a woman, a lady of improvisation and it still and always will amaze me.
Here is a picture of one of the peoples houses you fed every chance you got just so you knew your neighbors had food. To you and what you taught was always treat your neighbor as you would yourself just like the Bible says.
Love you Mama and you'd be amazed at all your Grandchildren and I know you're with Dustin in Heaven so I know he's alright in yours and God's arms.
Howard Halls Place (Not Standing Anymore) Just the Buttercups This Time Of Year Beside The Patterson's Cotton field |
Your Daughter